During play of the game, a wide variety of menu options are available. Most of these menu commands have keyboard equivalents, given in italics. A quick summary follows: File Menu - Various file handling and game startup items. Play Game - Basic Rules - Create a random world and start play! Allows Army, Transport, Destroyer, Cruiser and Battleship units. Play Game - Standard Rules - Introduces exploration and sighting rules, Submarine, Fighter and Carrier units, and provides more set-up options. Play Game - Advanced Rules - Introduces Armor, Bomber and Airbase units. New rules affecting terrain, combat and production apply. Play Game - Open - Load a previously saved game. Play Game - Start a new game as a remote slave. When starting a game with multiple systems, all but one should be remote slaves. cmd S Save - Game - Save the current game. Save - Scenario - Save the current map and units as a scenario. Save - Map - Save the current map. Save - AutoSave - Periodically saves the game to the autosave file. Scenario/Map Editor - Allows editing of scenarios and maps. Preferences - Change game speed, sound effects or graphics options. cmd H Help - Bring up this help screen. cmd R Resign - Resign the game, after recording scores. cmd E Exit - Exit the game, returning to the main menu. cmd Q Quit - Quit from Empire Deluxe™. Edit Menu - Commands for editing a terrain map. You cannot edit the terrain map while a game is in progress! Build Random Map - Create a random world with random terrain. Resize Map - Adjust the size of the world. Clear to Land - Set all of the terrain tiles to land. Clear to Sea - Set all of the terrain tiles to sea. Clear all Units - Remove all land, sea and air units. Modes Menu - Each mode affects what information is displayed on the map and how you assign orders to units. cmd 6 Survey Mode - Change to survey mode to examine map and give orders to units before resuming play. When in orders mode, option clicking on the map acts as a shortcut to enter survey mode. cmd 7 Groups Mode - Allow orders to be given to groups of units. Holding down the shift key and dragging with the mouse acts as a shortcut to enter groups mode. cmd 8 Paths Mode - Allow setting up of movement paths. cmd 9 Production Mode - Allow viewing of world from various points of view. This is available only at the end of a game, or when only computer players are active. cmd 0 Orders Mode - Resume game play, with units requesting new orders as standing orders expire. When in survey mode, and when you are the active player, option clicking on the map acts as a shortcut to enter orders mode. Edit Mode - Switch into the map editor. Selecting this requires you to quit any game in progress. Reports Menu List - Provide the user with various game information. opt S Status - Reports the current status of the game: units lost, cities captured, etc. opt I Information - Provide information on the current unit/location. opt M Combat Report - Report on any combat during the last turn. opt N Recon Report - Report on any sightings made during the last turn. Player History - Display a list of player wins, losses and ranks. Orders Menu List - Allows providing orders to specific friendly units. T Move To - Order a unit to move to a specific location. P Patrol - Order a unit to patrol between two or more locations. H Go Home - Order a unit to go to the nearest city/base. X Explore - Order a unit to explore the world. E Escort Ship - Order a unit to escort a friendly ship. S Sentry - Order a unit to go into sentry. B Build Airbase - Order a land unit to convert into an air base. L Load Ship - Order a ship to standby and load friendly units. U Unload Ship - Order a ship to unload. W Wait - Postpone giving orders to a unit until the end of current turn. A Activate - Activate the selected unit. tab Clear Orders - Clear a unit's operating orders. spc Skip/Cont. - If the unit has no current orders, it will skip requesting orders for this turn only. Otherwise, it will continue on with its orders. del Disband Unit - Remove the unit from game play. cmd E End Turn - Select skip/continue for all units. Display - Various display controls. cmd 1…5 Zoom Map - Change the map zoom level. C Center Screen - Center the screen around the cursor location. Show Message History - This displays a window containing a history of recent game status messages. Show Remote Messages - This opens a window which allows messages to be sent and received from players on remote systems. The window will open automatically when a message is received. Hide Background - This option hides the desktop and other applications while Empire Deluxe™ is active.